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The Devoted Mamas' Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Blog
What Exercises to Do in Third Trimester to Help Prepare for Labor (Episode #11)
So often, during the third trimester of pregnancy, people stop working out. Learn how to keep moving safely!
6 Essential Mindset Shifts for Birth Preparation + Avoiding a Traumatic Experience (Episode #7)
Imagine you’re the lead in a Broadway play. It’s your job to make everybody laugh, cry, and have a good time. But then, when you show up,...
Nicole’s Story: How My Second Birth Made Me Feel Ecstatic (Episode #2)
What if we told you that, if you take the right steps, giving birth can actually be an ECSTATIC, empowering experience? That it can...
DIY Strong Womb Tea Recipe
Once you reach the last month of pregnancy, you’re grasping at anything that will support you naturally to feel strong, relaxed, calm and...
3 Tips to Having an Ecstatic Birth
Here are a few tips to increase the creative flow in your pregnancy, and set the stage for an inspired, even ecstatic birth.
Why You Should Toss Your Due Date Out the Window
Your birth can be inspired, even ecstatic. But there’s that pesky Due Date. It’s got a hold on you. What can you focus on instead?
Choose Your Focus Here!
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