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The Devoted Mamas' Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Blog

4 Exercises to Modify in Postpartum
We like options. And we are pretty sure you do too. Telling you to stop running, lifting heavy weights or jumping with your kids because...

Guest Expert Video: What is Prolapse?
Prolapse is a common result of pregnancy that most women think is normal and something we ‘just have to live with’. (It’s not!) I sat...

Hormone Balancing with Food Before Pregnancy
Learn how to balance your hormones with your diet, and build a stronger and more compassionate relationship with your body at the same time.
Baby n Me Postpartum Workout Blur
A little workout goes a long way! See my chipmunk-speed workout with my 6 month old baby. Fit in 10 minutes where you can! All you need...
The Difference Between Routines vs Rituals (and Why It Matters for Self Care)
We so often think of self-care as something we do to pamper ourselves. Like going to get a massage or getting a babysitter for the...

The Best Healing Soup for Pregnancy and Postpartum
We taught a workshop earlier this winter on a snowy day in January. It was 14 degrees out and sixteen beautiful women made the trek to be...

A Simple Way to Deal with Acute Tension Pain in your Neck
If you have a child, you’ve had neck pain. We know, because we’ve been there many times. You know the kind…you wake up in the morning...

DIY Strong Womb Tea Recipe
Once you reach the last month of pregnancy, you’re grasping at anything that will support you naturally to feel strong, relaxed, calm and...

What I Wish I Had Known After My First Pregnancy: Kendra’s Story
Exercising after pregnancy and giving birth can be such a daunting experience. Not only do you have a small baby at home who demands all...

Burn 300 Calories in 30 Minutes (No Running Needed!)
This is a workout I did religiously when I was pregnant with my second son. It’s enough intensity to work up a sweat, but not so hard...

Guest Expert Video: What is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?
We can’t tell you how many women we’ve spoken to about pelvic floor PT who had no idea it even existed. This, a therapy that should be...

Don’t Make Your Recovery Harder Than it Needs to Be
“Do you really think, after all these years of engrained habits, that it’s possible to change? Aren’t I too old?” This is what my 83-year...

28-Minute High Intensity Interval Elliptical Workout
If you have 28 minutes, you have time to make your tush burn! This workout is great for pregnancy AND postpartum. Modify the level if you...

Why You Should Dance Through Pregnancy and Postpartum
You should dance and consider it among your valuable tools in your Thriving in Motherhood toolbox that you can rely on daily. Here's how.

You Are More Ready Than You Think
Why do we believe we’re not ready to make changes in the way we take care of ourselves?

Short on Time? Torch 200 Calories in 20 Minutes
If you’re tight on time, this is the workout for you. It’s great for all stages of motherhood – pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and postpartum....

3 Tips to Having an Ecstatic Birth
Here are a few tips to increase the creative flow in your pregnancy, and set the stage for an inspired, even ecstatic birth.
Choose Your Focus Here!
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